Parallelism tools ( Greasy )

On Ibex there are a couple of useful tools to run parallelized very simple tasks or the use of a particular script. On this page, we will show the use of greasy , with a very simple script

Greasy is a very direct application to use using a SLURM script. It will generate three main files (along with the results your program generates) error

We can start with the usual header of the SLURM script.

We define the name of the job, the name of the out and error files that we can consult if there is a failure in the code.

#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --partition=batch #SBATCH --job-name=MyJob #SBATCH --output=out_folder/greasy-%j.out #SBATCH --error=err_folder/greasy-%j.err

The second part consist in indicating the number of CPUs according to your needs. Keep in mind that one task is reserved for the master if using the MPI engine. In this example we are running 8 task, each task is going to one CPU in the one node we are asking. Since this is a very simple example 5 minutes is more than enough

#SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=8 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1 #SBATCH --time=00:05:00


We load the greasy module from the Ibex app stack

module load greasy/2.2.3_ompi4.0.3


By default greasy will generate a report of the usage of the computational resources with the name greasy-<jobid>.log if inside SLURM job. You can specify the path to a place to write the logs by adding this line to the script


I prefer this way when using SLURM, putting the log file into its own folder is more neat and clean :


Then we define the task or tasks to execute in parallel. In this example, we create a list of task using hostname. The second task is invoking sleep. The last task is running the script


The python script looks more complicated , but it is just asking for information of the system.


Then Run greasy! , feed greasy with the inputs produces with the for loops


Since each of these files output the to the command line all will be in a single output file



You can check put more details on the original GitHub repository :